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Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's Potty Time!!!

Chris has decided he is ready to potty train! It started on Tuesday evening. He just said he wanted to go potty. He sat down and went right away and a lot! Then he went again about 30 minutes later. I was surprised! It was bed time then, so on Wednesday we started again. He really didn't go again until that evening because we spent the day at the park and then it was nap time. Well, he pooped! Sorry to gross anyone out, but for a parent, you know that is the hardest step! Today he has only had one accident and he pooped again! I am so excited! It happened the same way with Lexi. We didn't even try and she decided she was ready. She pretty much trained herself. We were thinking it was time with Chris, but he wasn't too interested, so we didn't push it. I am glad we didn't! So, this is our new parenting adventure!

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