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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Exciting News!

I have decided to start a business! I started sewing a few months ago and since I am addicted, I figured I should try to do something with it! It is in the beginning works, but I am sooooooo happy! I know it will be hard - it already is, but I want to give it my all and see what happens! I have an online store ( and I also have some items in a boutique in downtown Colorado Springs called Kabibi Mei. The owner of Kabibi Mei is Cory and I met her at church. She also has an Etsy online shop. She started it about a year ago and just last month opened her 'brick and mortar' shop! I have never been so excited about doing something!

I really need the support of my family and friends! I am promoting where I can and a lot of people seem to like my items. I just need to build up my inventory to have a bigger selection. I have business cards, so let me know if you need any! My support system will be my biggest help in spreading the word!

The name of my business is PooLou Designs. It comes from the kids nicknames: Chrissy Poo and Lexi Lou. I wanted something that would be original and no one else would probably think of, in case I made it happen! I'm in big trouble if we have another kid! LOL!

I hope I have the support of everyone in this. I welcome and appreciate all feedback. It is going to be a long and challenging road, but I am ready for it!

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