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Monday, September 12, 2011

Lexi's First Day at her New School

Today Lexi started school at Colorado Springs Charter Academy.  She was so happy and excited.  Here are a few pictures from this morning.

Looking happy :)

This picture makes me laugh!  Chris thought he had to have his shirt tucked in because Lexi did.  He looks like an old man with his shirt tucked in, shorts up high and long socks pulled up :)

Lexi's new desk in her new classroom.  Her teacher, Mrs. Stamer, is giving Lexi her morning cursive worksheet.  They start teaching cursive writing in Kindergarten at the school, so Lexi will learn a little every morning.

Getting right to work...

A big smile before I leave.

I did not get emotional!  I usually do with new things, but I knew she would be comfortable and have a great day!

Here is a picture of the school I borrowed from their website.  I forgot to take one this morning.